Friday, May 28, 2010

Do you think that the specifications of a product should be the only criteria you use when making a purchase? Why?

Yes I think so, but I dont have a reason.
What do you think is the importance of the price when purchasing electronics?  Are there other things that may be more or just as important as the price?

It is important to check the price at different locations because it is possible you can get it cheaper
ow do you think the KOR-fx will effect the video game, music or movie experience?

As it states, it says the device translates the audio signal from a game or movie into vibrations that the wearer can feel throughout his body
How would your life be different without technology?  How much do you rely on technology in your life? 

Technology is a part of today's world, without it we wouldn't be able to do alot of different things.
How do you decide on the products that you purchase and use? How does this effect your life both directly and indirectly?

I decide on the product I buy and use by checking out and see if its useful. I also go to other stores
to see if I can get it for a cheaper price.
What is the biggest challenge that you have attempted in your life so far?   What did you learn about yourself from this experience?

 The biggest challenge for me was when I moved out in the summer.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do you think that personal rights are more important than school safety?  How are your personal rights effected when school safety measures are implemented?

In some sense it does.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why do you think that some people rate a product very high and some people will rate the product very low?   How can you decide which reviews are more accurate?

Some people rate products very high because hey probably used it and it worked or they heard good things about it while others might rate it low because they used it and it didn't work out or they heard bad about it.
 Why is it important to follow the netiquette guidelines when using the Internet?
    It is important to follow the netiquette guidelines when using the Internet because of the following reasons,

 We are all human, even on the internet.
Never forget that the person reading your mail or posting is, indeed, a person, with feelings that can be hurt. Here are some key points to keep in mind.It's not nice to hurt other people's feelings. Who are you trying to prove anything to? Just keep offensive comments to yourself and try to be constructive.Never type a whole message in caps, whethere its an instant message, a reply to a post in a message board, or in an email. writing a whole message in caps means that one is yelling (unless you do not mean it that way). If you do not mean it to come across that way, make sure you tell people you are not yelling. Remember, people can not tell what mood you are in by just typing something (unless you are using a webcam and microphone ). So please do not use caps to write messages. Thanks!Never mail or post anything you wouldn't say to your reader's face. The internet is not a place to find or pick a fight. There are people out there with the same intentions you have of just researching and just finding useful information and that is all. No need to start any trouble.

 Follow the same rules online that you would in real life.Be ethical and do not jump to conclusions. People who surf the internet come from many different places around the world and have different views on things. Be open to listening to others and what they have to say. This is the internet, try to learn something new. Breaking the law is bad Netiquette.

 Remember where you are when you are online.Netiquette varies from place to place. Not everyone follows the same rules. So always try to keep an open mind and if needed, make constructive criticisms, not negative ones.. If you happen to jump into a chatroom or forum, do not post any comments right away. Try to read and catch up to what is going on and observe what people are saying. After you feel comfortable and think you are ready to add useful information/comments to the conversation, do so.

 Have respect for others when you are online.It's OK to think that what you're doing at the moment is the most important thing in the universe, but don't expect anyone else to agree with you.Post messages to the appropriate discussion group. If you cannot find one and you have a feeling that you must post it, then make sure you label the subject of your message as off topic so people know it does not pertain to their current conversations.Try not to ask stupid questions on discussion groups. If it is a simple question that can be answered simply by going to google, do not post it. On the other hand, if it is more an opinion type question, that may be different. Make sure you let people know you are just looking for an opinion or second though on an idea and I am sure people will be glad to help out with that.When appropriate, use private email instead of posting to the group. If there is something you need to ask or comment on but feel it is unappropriate or unneccesary to post for others to see, email the individual. I am sure they would also appreciate this gesture.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why do you think it is important to compare similar products before you make a purchase?

It is important to  compare similar products before you make a purchase because it could be a fake or maybe it could cost less.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How does the soundtrack of a presentation project effect the project overall effectiveness?  Why?

Its draws more attention to the audience.
What do you like best about your project? What is the one thing you would do different on your project?

What I like most about my project is the pictures and the setup. What I would change about my project is the music.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Do you think that video games teach morality and ethics? Why?

Yes I think video games each morality and ethics depending on the game your playing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How can Plagiarism effect your online reputation?

Plagiarism can affect your online reputation because it shows that ou are using someone elses ideas and not thinking on your own.
Do you think that plagiarism is morally wrong? Why?

Do you think that plagiarism is morally wrong? Why?

I think plagiarism is morally wrong because for example, if a student is plagiarizing someone else's work and turning it is as their own, the student is cheating himself or herself out of an education. It's just like copying homework or cheating on an exam. If you don't learn how to add, you can't learn how to subtract, multiply or divide. This works in all subjects. Eventually the student falls hopelessly behind and doesn't have the skills to catch up.